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Female garments for liposuction and abdominoplasty upper knee with suspenders 0104 black

Female garments for liposuction and abdominoplasty upper knee with suspenders 0104 black

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  • Price: 105.00€
  • 84.68€ + TAX 24%
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MPN Code:0104


Female garments for liposuction and abdominoplasty upper knee with suspenders 0104 black


Our garment for the postoperative recovery after a liposuction and abdominoplasty, Revée REV.0104, guarantees an effective homogeneous and constant compression action when walking initially after a liposuction.

  • It effectively reduces bruising and swelling, while allowing epidermal tissues to gradually settle. This favours proper subcutaneous healing and prevents laxity and irregularities.
  • The shiny part of the fabric inside makes it easier for the garment to slide when putting it on. It is also very convenient for healthcare operators, who will help you dress directly in the operating room once the surgery is finished.
  • The significant support on the front ensures an effective restraint action, enhancing the shape of the abdomen and legs, while guaranteeing a perfect fit.
  • The comfortable, non-toxic and hypoallergenic materials used, together with the perfect compression effect, are the ideal ingredients for both doctor and patient to be completely satisfied with this modern and highly-performing compression garment.
  • The adjustable and removable braces and the double section of hooks on the front allow you to perfectly adjust the garment.
  • Thanks to its wide hygiene opening, you will be able to wear it 24 hours a day.

Application fieldsΑbdomen, flanks, buttocks, thighs, trochanteric region (upper portion of the thighs)*It’s the doctor who should take care of the measurement, the selection of the correct size, as well as deciding the duration of use based on the type of surgery. This duration is usually of 4 to 6 weeks.

*For the best postoperative results, the liposuction garment Lipo Revée REV.0104 should be worn day and night.


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