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Gram's crystal violet 500ml - Merck

Gram's crystal violet 500ml - Merck

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MOD: 25174-00
In Stock
  • Price: 51.20€
  • 41.29€ + TAX 24%



Gram's crystal violet 500ml - Merck 

The Gram staining allows a fast differentiation of bacteria in Gram-positive and Gram-negative.
Themureine structure of the bacteria walls is the basis of the color affinity.
Bacteria will be stained with Gram'scrystal violet solution - an aniline dye - in the first step.
After the treatment with iod solution (Lugolʼs solution), a dye-iod complex will form.
During the decolorizing step, this complex stays in the multilayer mureine structures of the Gram-positive bacteria and they will appear blue.
Gram-negative bacteria have monolayer mureine structure only, the dye-iod complex does not stay bound to the cellwall, they will be decolorised .
Gram-negative bacteria will be counterstained by Gram's safranin solution and appear
A bottle with 500 ml Gram's safranin solution is sufficient for staining up to 250 slides.
it is also available as part of the Gram-color stain set.
It is an IVD product and CE registered
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