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Nebulizer Norditalia Hi-ΝΕΒ

Nebulizer Norditalia Hi-ΝΕΒ

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MOD: 17138-00

Nebulizer Norditalia Hi-ΝΕΒ

1 - 3 Days
  • Price: 44.90€
  • 36.21€ + TAX 24%

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4.19€ + TAX 24%

Nebulizer Norditalia Hi-ΝΕΒ 

The nebulizer device Hi-Neb Norditalia the company is ideal for residential treatment for children, for diseases such as allergy or bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease, cystic fibrosis, rhinitis, etc ..
It consists of a very powerful compressor, which ensures a high operating pressure and therefore smaller nefelopoioumena particles which easily reach the last bronchioles of the lung, making the treatment more effectively. Atomizes all medicines easily, quickly and reliably.
Includes adult and child mask, slot for adult nose and mouthpiece. The device comes with a nice set of stickers that can be applied outside the equipment and make the treatment more acceptable to children. Child mask is included as an accessory.
For child safety, all components are manufactured based on medical standards, non-toxic and biocompatible materials.
-Pressure compressor 2,5bar
Operating-pressure 0,8bar
-Free 14lpm flow
-plane Noise 35dBA
-Megethos Particles nebula 5 micrometres MMAD *
-Choritikotita Drug 8ml
Output -Tachytita nebula open stopper 0,37 ml / min
Output -Tachytita nebula with closed lid 0,22 ml / min
-Posotita Inhaled nebula with an open lid 0,12 ml
-Posotita Inhaled nebula with closed lid 0,06 ml
-Guarantee 2 years * MMAD Mass Median Aerodynamic Diameter (Average diametric Aerodynamic Particle Volume)
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