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Petri Dishes Nutrient Agar 9cm 10 pieces

Petri Dishes Nutrient Agar 9cm 10 pieces

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MOD: 25163-00
4-6 days
  • Price: 11.00€
  • 8.87€ + TAX 24%



Petri Dishes Nutrient Agar 9cm 10 pieces


Nutrient Agar is used for the cultivation of bacteria and the estimation of microorganisms in water, waste, and other materials. It consists of peptones, beef extract, and agar. This relatively simple composition provides the necessary ingredients for the growth of a large number of microorganisms, not particularly pathogenic. Peptones are the primary source of organic nitrogen, especially amino acids and polypeptides. Beef extract provides water-soluble components such as vitamins, salts, etc.


  1. Samples should be inoculated into the medium as soon as possible after collection and exposure to air should be minimized.
  2. The coated Petri dish is initially used to obtain pure cultures from samples with mixed flora.
  3. Incubate the plates at 35–37ºC for 24-48 hours.
  4. Slant tubes are used for cultures and for the maintenance of pure cultures.
  5. After incubation, most plates will show a zone of mixed growth.
  6. However, one or more areas may show isolated colonies of the organisms present in the sample.


  • Petri Dish Size: 90mm
  • Package: 10 pieces 
  • Storage: 6-12°C 
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