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Jumper Wireless Fetal Monitor JPD-300P for twin pregnancy & wireless transmission

Jumper Wireless Fetal Monitor  JPD-300P for twin pregnancy & wireless transmission

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MOD: 29995-01
  • Price: 2,200.00€
  • 1,774.19€ + TAX 24%

EAN Code:JPD300E
MPN Code:JPD300E


Jumper Wireless Fetal Monitor JPD-300P for twin pregnancy & wireless transmission

Cardiotocograph with wireless waterproof sensors and color TFT / LCD 3.5 '' twin recording monitor & integrated FAS (Fetal Acoustic Stimulator).

Elegantly designed, the Jumper JPD-300E Wireless Cardiotocograph offers a precise and clear visual condition of the fetus.

  • The cardiotocograph is full of features that provide economical, reliable and accurate fetal monitoring
  • Maternal fetal movement index
  • High performance sound for the most sensitive fetal heart detection
  • Fetal alarm system with user configuration
It incorporates high sensitivity polycrystalline converters to reduce the size and less interest rate inconvenience that provide additional comfort during monitoring.
The TOCO transducer with its smooth surface reduces discomfort and enhances comfort.
  • Wireless converters. The distance between the converters and the receiver is up to 10 meters. Wireless converters offer a more mobile and less limited experience, allowing the interest rate to take comfort seats in early childbirth.
  • US and TOCO inverters have independent communication with each other, increasing the efficiency of caregivers.
  • Waterproof inverters, class IPX4.
  • Fall / impact protection, guaranteed up to 1 meter.
  • Large detection range 60 ~ 210
  • With audiovisual adjustable alarm (alarm limit value) for exceeding the limits of the fetal heart rate (Tachycardia, Bradycardia).
  • Built-in FAS (Acoustic Fetal Stimulator) (Patented). Stimulates the sleeping fetus to speed up the test or to facilitate further evaluation of the stress-free test (NST)
  • Intelligent power management. The inverters can be charged automatically when re-installed in the receiver. The transducers will turn off automatically if there is no signal for 20 consecutive minutes.
  • Design with International Awards (Reddot Design Award)
  • The inverters have a built-in continuous battery for 8 hours after full charge


  • Two waterproof ultrasonic heads (IPX4) - (fetal rhythm recording
  • A waterproof toco head (IPX4) - (recording uterine contractions)
  • Three head mounting straps
  • Rechargable battery
  • Basic Receiver Unit
  • Acoustic Stimulator
  • Simultaneous monitoring, storage & documentation software
  • 1 Ultrasound Gel
  • Event Marker
  • Operation manual

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