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CO Screen - Portable device for Carbon monoxide measuring

CO Screen - Portable device for Carbon monoxide measuring

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MOD: 17964-04
15-30 days
  • Price: 681.00€
  • 549.19€ + TAX 24%

MPN Code:CO50

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MOD: 29084-00
SafeBreath Mouthpieces..
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152.42€ + TAX 24%

CO Screen - Portable device for Carbon monoxide measuring

O Screen has been designed to enable emergency service responders to carry out a simple breath test to establish carbon monoxide levels in a subject’s blood.
When dealing with CO, time is critical. In the blood stream Carbon Monoxide has an affinity with haemoglobin some 200 times greater than Oxygen. When this happens, the blood is no longer able to carry oxygen, and this lack of oxygen causes the body’s cells and tissue to die.
CO Screen will give instant breath results in %COHb and PPM. Both measurements are backed up with colour traffic lights for immediate visual display.

The new CO Screen, a rapid assessment of Carbon Monoxide poisoning for Emergency Services and First Emergency Responders.

  • Carbon Monoxide is a colourless and odourless gas, making its presence difficult to detect.
  • CO Screen has been designed to enable emergency service responders to carry out a simple breath test to establish carbon monoxide levels in a subject’s blood.
  • When dealing with CO, time is critical. In the blood stream Carbon Monoxide has an affinity with haemoglobin some 200 times greater than Oxygen. When this happens, the blood is no longer able to carry oxygen, and this lack of oxygen causes the body’s cells and tissue to die.
  • CO Screen will give instant breath results in %COHb and PPM. Both measurements are backed up with colour traffic lights for immediate visual display.
  • The new CO Screen, a rapid assessment of Carbon Monoxide poisoning for Emergency Services and First Emergency Responders.
  • Results instantly displayed
  • Results displayed in %COHb or ppm for easy interpretation
  • No warm up time required
  • Can be used on multiple patients with minimal effort (mouthpiece must be disposed of between patients)
  • Configurable breath hold time dependent on operator preferences ranging from 0 to 20 seconds
  • Configurable light indicator dependent on operator preference
  • Hard shelled carrycase with mouthpieces for easy storage and transportation.
  • Simple push button calibration

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