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TrueCPR coaching device

TrueCPR coaching device

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TrueCPR coaching device

The TrueCPR™ Coaching Device is designed to optimize the quality and performance of manual CPR by providing feedback to rescuers in both real time and after the event. The TrueCPR device measures compression depth on compliant surfaces and in moving vehicles using a unique technology called Triaxial Field Induction.

Physio Control’s True CPR coaching device measures the chest compressions given in CPR and helps improve depth and rhythm with each movement, maintaining consistency through quality feedback.
  • Monitors user technique to improve technique
  • Provides effective feedback to help improve early treatment of cardiac arrest
  • provides visual monitors, right in the rescuers eye line, to help maintain CPR assessment during and after treatment
  • Accurate depth measurement is aided though tracking a magnetic field between the chest and back 
This dinky device is hi-tech and helps to to give the best possible CPR feedback.
The device has a target depth range of 5 to 6 cm (2 to 2.5 in) and has a handy metronome to help keep users in time.
The IP rating is 55, which means it’s really resilient to dust and water and it can even store compression data for three 60-minute sessions, or up to six sessions totaling 180 minutes.
When all available memory has been used, the data from the oldest use is overwritten automatically.
This can then be transferred to a PC using the USB connection.


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