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Colon cancer self-diagnosis test ALLREST 1 piece

Colon cancer self-diagnosis test ALLREST 1 piece

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MOD: 25997-01
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  • Price: 2.80€
  • 2.64€ + TAX 6%



Colon cancer self-diagnosis test ALLREST 1 piece


Many diseases can cause hidden blood in stool, known as fecal occult blood (FOB), human occult blood, or human hemoglobin. In the early stages, gastrointestinal issues like colorectal cancer, ulcers, polyps, colitis, diverticulitis, and anal fissures may not show visible symptoms but may only present as hidden blood in the stool.

Colon Cancer Self Test by ALL TEST is a rapid test designed for the qualitative detection of low levels of hidden blood in stool (rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of human occult blood in stool).

Symptoms of Colorectal Cancer Include:

  • Persistent change in bowel habits, such as diarrhea or constipation, or changes in stool consistency.
  • Rectal bleeding or blood in the stool.
  • Persistent abdominal pain.
  • Unexplained weight loss.
  • Weakness or fatigue.

Features of the Colon Cancer Self Test:

  • Self Test for the qualitative detection of human hidden blood in stool.
  • Easy to use, with clear and reliable results (proven accuracy of 99.1%) in just five (5) minutes.
  • Uses a two-antibody “sandwich” test for the selective detection of occult blood in stool at 50mg per ml (or more, or 6µg per gram) of stool.
  • Its accuracy is unaffected by the patient's diet (unlike guaiac-based methods).
  • CE-marked product, ideal for at-home self-testing (for "in vitro" diagnostic use).
  • Package includes the test cassette, stool collection device, sample collection tube, and instruction leaflet.


Instructions for Use

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  1. Allow the sample and swab to reach room temperature (15°C to 30°C) before use.
  2. For Stool Sample Collection: Place the stool sample in the appropriate container. Use the stool collector to avoid contaminating the sample with any chemical products to ensure the sample remains untainted.
  3. Processing Stool Samples: Unscrew the cap of the sample collection tube. Randomly apply the sample collection device to at least three different spots on the stool sample (do not dig into the stool).
  4. Secure the cap on the collection tube and shake it vigorously to mix the sample and extraction buffer solution.
  5. Bring the pouch to room temperature before opening: Remove the test cassette from the packaging and use it as soon as possible.
  6. For best results, perform the test immediately after opening the aluminum pouch.
  7. Keep the sample collection tube upright and open the cap.
  8. Invert the sample collection tube and transfer two drops of the extracted sample (approximately 80 µL) into the sample well "S" of the test cassette.
  9. Start the timer and avoid trapping air bubbles in the sample well "S".
  10. Read the result after five minutes. Do not read the result after ten minutes, as the results may be altered.


Interpretation of Results

  • Invalid: The control line does not appear (the most likely causes for the absence of the control line are insufficient sample volume or procedural errors). Review the procedure and repeat the test with a new test kit.
  • Negative: Only one colored line appears in the control line area “C” (no line appears in the test line area “T”).
  • Positive: Two lines are visible, one colored line in the control line area “C”, and another visible line in the test line area “T”.

Note: The intensity of the color in the test line area “T” will vary depending on the concentration of hidden blood in the stool sample. Therefore, any shade in the test line area “T” is indicative of a positive result.

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