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MIR spirobank II Advanced | with 60 disp.Turbines with oxymeter

MIR spirobank II Advanced | with 60 disp.Turbines with oxymeter

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MOD: 18956-00
1 - 3 Days
  • Price: 1,524.90€
  • 1,229.76€ + TAX 24%
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EAN Code:911020 E0
MPN Code:911020 E0


The New spirobank II spirometer .

  • Spirometer and Oximeter* Advanced Version
  • The advanced version, can perform tests in real time
  • With a wireless connection (Bluetooth®).
  • Complete spirometry test including PRE and POST bronchodilatorand over 45 parameters measured with optional oximeter test.
  • The memory can hold up to 10,000 tests.

The Advanced Spirobank II simply and clearly measures SpO2* (saturation) and pulse rate with a plethysmographic curve.

With the WinspiroPRO software , you can automatically see the oximeter data transmitted by the Spirobank II according to the type of test chosen (Spot, 6MWT, Sleep Test).

Ideal for pediatricians to immediately diagnose bronchiolitis.

Wide array of sensors, adults, children, and infants, including ear sensor.

Main spirometry parameters measured, standard and always enabled on Spirobank II basic version FVC, FEV1, FEV1%, PEF, FEF25-75%, FET, EVOL (Extrapolated Volume), ELA (Estimated Lung Age), VC, IVC, IC, ERV

Other spirometry parameters measured, enabled or disabled by the user, standard on Spirobank II Advanced version

FEV1/FVC%, DTPEF (tempo di salita PEF), FEV 0.5, FEV0.5/FVC%,

FEV0.75, FEV0.75/FVC%, FEV2, FEV2/FVC%, FEV3, FEV3/FVC%,

FEV6, FEV1/FEV6%, FEF25%, FEF50%, FEF75%, FEF 75-85, FIVC,

FIV1, FIV1/FIVC%, FIF25%, FIF50%, FIF75%, R50, PIF, IRV,

VT (instant volume), VE (minute ventilation ), Rf, ti, te, ti/t-tot,

VT/ti, MVV measured, MVV calculated


Oximetry parameters measured

Min-Max-Average SpO2, Pulse Rate Range-Media, test duration,

T90% [time SpO2 <= 89%], T89% [time SpO2 <= 88%],

Total Events SpO2, T40 (time Bradycardia with Frequency pulse

<40 BPM), T120 (time Tachycardia with pulse Rate> 120 BPM)

Spirobank II ADV.PLUS w/Oxi 911025 Includes:

  • Full featured winspiroPRO PC software
  • USB connectivity
  • Carrying case
  • BT connectivity (Advanced & PLUS version only)
  • Battery charger (Advanced PLUS version only)

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