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Immersion oil 100ml

Immersion oil 100ml

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MOD: 13082-00
In Stock
  • Price: 35.40€
  • 28.55€ + TAX 24%



Immersion oil 100ml


Immersion media for microscopy have nearly identical refractive indices as

glass. Immersion oils practically eliminate light beam deflection so that the

effectiveness of the lens is considerably increased.


When microscoping, first locate the part of the dry specimen to be

investigated. Swing the lens holder away, place a drop of immersion oil on the

specimen at the point to be observed and return the lens to their original

position. When finished, clean the lens and the specimen with ethanol.


Technical note

The microscope used should meet the requirements of a medical diagnostic


Specimen must be absolutely anhydrous prior to microscoping with immersion

oil, dry specimen thoroughly or mount it using a cover glass, to prevent


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