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Multistix-10SG 10 parameter urine strips

Multistix-10SG 10 parameter urine strips

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MOD: 20001-00

Bayer Multistix 10 parameter reagent

In Stock
  • Price: 21.90€
  • 20.66€ + TAX 6%

EAN Code:2300
MPN Code:2300


Multistix-10SG 10 parameter urine strips 

Glucose, Bilirubin, Ketone, Blood, pH, Protein, Urobilinogen, Nitrite, Leukocytes, Specific Gravity

Multistix Reagent Strips for Urinalysis tests - The Bayer Diagnostics Reagent Strips for Urinalysis are firm plastic strips to which are affixed several separate reagent areas. The reagent test areas on Bayer Diagnostics Reagent Strips are ready to use upon removal from the bottle and the entire reagent strip is disposable. The strips may be read visually, requiring no additional laboratory equipment for testing. Certain configurations of strips may also be read instrumentally, using the Clinitek(R) family of Urine Chemistry Analyzers and the appropriate Program Module or Program Card. The directions must be followed exactly. Accurate timing is essential to provide optimal results. The reagent strips must be kept in the bottle with the cap tightly closed to maintain reagent reactivity. To obtain optimal results, it is necessary to use fresh, well-mixed, uncentrifuged urine.

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