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Tracheostomy tube support

Tracheostomy tube support

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MOD: 28131-01
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2.02€ + TAX 24%
MOD: 28131-02
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2.02€ + TAX 24%
MOD: 28131-03
In Stock
2.26€ + TAX 24%
Tracheostomy tube support

    • Stabilize the tracheal cannula safely and keeps its place
    • Designed for personal use without assistance
    • Easy to use and practical
    • Skin colored don’t draw attention
    • Made of a master material, consists of 3 different material laminated to each other 4mm (+-0.5mm)
    • Skin touch surface of the master material made of cotton fabric, upper part to cover the fixation velcro easily made of feathered jersey, middle part made of foam to provide elasticity and smoothness
    • Different size for babies, children and adults
    • Covers the neck softly, skin touch surface absorbs the sweat with its cottonoid fabric.
    • In case of long term use does not cause any allergy and irritation.
    • One piece of fixation band in each pouch
    • Two pieces beter to use for the patient can be intervene to cannula without moving

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