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Arteriograph 24 TensioMed with laptop (24-hour monitoring)

Arteriograph 24 TensioMed with laptop (24-hour monitoring)

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Arteriograph 24 TensioMed with laptop (24-hour monitoring)

Analysis of pulse wave velocity
The procedure is based on a non-invasive measurement method. It provides a mapping opportunity
of cardiovascular risks more accurately. Newer parameters such as PWVao, SBPao and AIXao help significantly in differential treatments, providing better patient care. Several studies have shown that pulse wave velocity is a biomarker of arterial stiffness and is an independent predictor of morbidity and mortality. mortality. The innovative, non-invasive Arteriograph measuring system (Tensiomed Ltd.) is able to determine these parameters and show the current state of the vascular system.

Importance of parameters

The Arteriograph provides 14 different parameters during measurements.

The 3 most important are:
Aortic pulse wave velocity PWVao
Central systolic blood pressure
Aortic augmentation index

Pulse wave velocity in the aorta (PWVao)
The velocity of propagation of the pulse wave in the aorta. PWVao is mainly determined by the property of the aortic wall. The stiffer the aortic wall, the higher the PWVao value.

Central systolic blood pressure (Central systolic blood pressure SBPao)
Central systolic blood pressure (SBPao) is lower than peripheral (upper arm) blood pressure under normal physiological conditions. Knowing its value plays an important role in the treatment of hypertension.

Aortic augmentation index
The value of the growth index is mainly determined by the vascular tone of the small arteries, the arterioles. The lower the peripheral vascular tone, i.e. the greater the degree of peripheral arterial vasodilatation, the lower the AIXao value.

Device Editions
Arteriograph 24: 24-hour monitoring.
TensioDay Plus: ABPM device - (Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring) Ambulatory Recording of Arterial Pressure.

Way of use
The measurement is done in 3 minutes in a similar way of using a blood pressure monitor.
The training - certification of use - mainly concerns the use of the software.
The training takes place online via a laptop and takes about 6 hours.

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