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Comply Steri-Cage chemical indicator 1243A

Comply Steri-Cage chemical indicator 1243A

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MOD: 23318-00
In Stock
  • Price: 171.50€
  • 138.31€ + TAX 24%



Comply Steri-Cage chemical indicator 1243A

Chemical integrators are used for pack control which validates that the sterilant has penetrated to the point of placement in the pack and confirms that sufficient exposure conditions have been met.3M Comply Steam Chemical Integrators consist of a paper wick and steam and temperature sensitive chemical pellet contained in a paper/film and foil laminate envelope of laminate materials. Steam enters the permeable topside of the device - the chemical pellet melts and migrates as a dark color along the paper wick; the distance or extent of migration depends on exposure to steam, time, and temperature. The migration is visible through a window marked Accept or Reject. The dark color should enter the Accept window for an Accept result. If the dark color has not entered the Accept window, a reject result is indicated.Used in all 121° Celsius/250° Fahrenheit and 132° Celsius/270° Fahrenheit steam sterilization cycles.3M Comply EO Chemical Integrators consist of color chemistry on an absorptive strip contained in an envelope of paper/film/foil sealed on all but one side. Ethylene oxide (EO) and moisture enter the unsealed side of the integrator and turn the strip at that point from yellow to blue. The distance or rate of migration of the blue color is influenced by all the critical parameters of EO sterilization (i.e., EO concentration, relative humidity, time and temperature). The blue color migration is visible through windows marked Accept or Reject. For an Accept, the strip inside the integrator will turn blue and enter the Accept window. If the blue color has not migrated into the Accept window or any yellow color remains in the Reject window, a Reject result is indicated.This chemical indicator can only be used in EO/HCFC mixtures.3M Comply EO Chemical Integrator Extendors - A paper extension that can be attached to an integrator using the adhesive strip attached to the extendor.
Characteristics :
  • Dimensions : 5.1 x 1.9 cm
  • Box of 500 piesces    
* Price o f500 pieces



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