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Obstetrical Manikin R10180

Obstetrical Manikin R10180

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MOD: 18587-00
  • Price: 1,937.00€
  • 1,562.10€ + TAX 24%



Obstetrical Manikin R10180

An anatomically correct pelvic model with full term newborn and placenta to give your trainees realistic practice in multiple techniques, and to learn the procedure for emergency childbirth.

Disposable umbilical cords with clamps, easily replaced extra vulva, powder to make simulated blood, a modular pregnant belly overlay with permanently installed foetus for training practice of Leopold’s manoeuvre to determine the foetus’ lie by palpating ist skull and kneecaps, and a clear abdominal overlay to see positioning are all included.

The lifelike pelvic cavity has pronounced pelvic landmarks, located spinal column, angled birth canal, ilium, ischium, sacrum, sacro spinous ligaments, and greater sciatic notch.

The foetus provided is of a realistic newborn size with fontanels and cranial sutures. A soft carry bag is included.

Size: 53 x 33 x 43 cm, weight: 9 kg

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