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Patient care manikin model P10/1

Patient care manikin model P10/1

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MOD: 22009-00

Patient care manikin model P10

15-30 days
  • Price: 3,818.00€
  • 3,079.03€ + TAX 24%

EAN Code:1018816
MPN Code:1018816


Patient care manikin model P10

Our best selling patient care simulator allows practice of most training applications from basic to advanced nursing, clinical and emergency training. Made of durable, unbreakable, water-resistant plastics, it is also flexible, allowing natural movement of the arms, legs and joints. Our unique flexible waist design allows the manikin to sit upright for added realism. Lungs, heart, stomach, bladder and intestinal section are removable and fitted with drainage seals for easy cleaning. Bladder and intestinal section are absolutely watertight and connected to the external genitalia to allow catheterization. All standard injection sights have special injection pads (6 in all) which allow repeated injections and years of use. Also included is an amputation stump to practice dressing techniques. To complete this deluxe manikin, we've included an intestine tube, catheter, duodenal probe, talcum powder, vaseline and lubricant. Meets OBRA requirements.

The only manikin you need to teach and practice:

Personal hygiene, cleaning (removable partial prothesis)
Lifting, mobilization
Bandaging and wound dressing (including stump dressing)
Irrigations (eye, ear, nose, stomach, intestine, bladder)
Injections (intramuscular and subcutaneous)
Naso-gastric lavage and gavage
Oxygen treatment, artificial respiration
Tracheotomy care
Catheterization (male and female)
Ostomy care (colostomy)
Enema administration


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