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Werkmeister Striped Lower Limb Wrapping Substrate 90x90cm

Werkmeister Striped Lower Limb Wrapping Substrate 90x90cm

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MOD: 02394-02
In Stock
  • Price: 62.00€
  • 50.00€ + TAX 24%



Werkmeister Striped Lower Limb Wrapping Substrate 90x90cm


Werkmeister PNEUMOLASTIC is a specialized foam striped substrate with an uneven distribution designed to relax potential fibrous tissue in lymphedema and promote better lymphatic circulation. It comes pre-cut in two sizes for application to the upper or lower limbs, and is washable and reusable. You can also cut it into further customized dimensions.

When applying, additional external stabilization and shaping may be required before using compression bandages by placing the idealbinde. The pads deliver excellent results, especially for large or hardened lymphedema, but require close monitoring to avoid irritation or excessive compression.


  • Anatomical area: Lower limbs
  • Product type: Uneven substrate

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