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Elastic Compression Bandage Comprilan

BSN Medical
Elastic Compression Bandage Comprilan

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Brand:BSN Medical

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5.58€ + TAX 13%
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6.64€ + TAX 13%
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8.14€ + TAX 13%
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8.76€ + TAX 13%

Elastic Compression Bandage Comprilan


The Comprilan elastic compression bandage from BSN is a low-stretch compression bandage, ideal for patients with lymphedema and postoperative edema. It is an essential product for the conservative treatment of lymphedema, phlebolymphostatic edema (as a result of Chronic Venous Insufficiency), and lipedema. The Comprilan elastic compression bandage is washable and reusable, made from 100% cotton stretchable, non-slip material, ensuring it stays in place throughout application.

Comprilan is the main compression medium for the essential bandaging after each lymphedema therapy session. It is made of high-quality materials to remain effective even after repeated washing. Additionally, it supports active muscle contraction for effective muscle pump function and improved lymphatic circulation.

Available Sizes:

  • Comprilan 6cm x 5m
  • Comprilan 8cm x 5m
  • Comprilan 10cm x 5m
  • Comprilan 12cm x 5m


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