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Comply Bowie-Dick test type system 1301

Comply Bowie-Dick test type system 1301

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MOD: 23498-00
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  • Price: 197.40€
  • 159.19€ + TAX 24%



Comply Bowie-Dick test type system 1301 

Bowie-Dick type test packs detect air leaks, inadequate air removal and steam penetration for vacuum-assisted steam sterilizers. Includes Comply Bowie-Dick Plus Test Pack with early warning test sheet, Comply Bowie-Dick Test Packs and test sheets.
Bowie-Dick Test Packs are used for equipment control as a way to find out whether or not your sterilizer is doing its job properly. Bowie-Dick test packs should be used daily, after a sterilizer is installed, relocated, after sterilizer malfunction, after sterilization process failures, and after any major repairs of the sterilizer.

All Bowie-Dick products have the same light-yellow chemical indicator that turns a uniform dark brown/black if the sterilizer is functioning. Any unexpected color change, such as the center of the test sheet being paler or a different color than the edges (i.e., there is a non-uniform color change) indicates that there was an air pocket present during the cycle due to sterilizer malfunction.
Bowie-Dick type test packs detect air leaks, inadequate air removal and steam penetration for vacuum-steam sterilizers. Compact, efficient and easy to use test packs compliant to BSEN 11140 part 4 and third party certified by BSI (kite marked).
Box of 20 packs

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