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The availability at retail stores may vary. For better service, order online or contact the store
Pioneering combination of 4 enzymes with surfactants and other ingredients in Sekusept® MultiEnzyme provides you with excellent cleaning action. Sekusept® MultiEnzyme, both scented and unscented, is the ideal enzymatic cleaner for any medical instrument including flexible endoscopes
Applications: Enzymatic detergent for all kinds of medical tools, including flexible endoscopes. Suitable for use in ultrasonic baths
Instructions for use: Dissolve 5-20ml of Sekusept® MultiEnzyme for every liter of water (depending on the type and amount of pollutants). Place the object to be cleaned in the solution ensuring that all surfaces are completely wet. We recommend wearing protective gloves and a mask throughout the process
Always read the technical leaflet of the product and the instructions for use before application
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