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KARYOPREP 65000 Biopsy Vials 10ml

KARYOPREP 65000 Biopsy Vials 10ml

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MOD: 16514-01
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  • Price: 2.50€
  • 2.02€ + TAX 24%
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KARYOPREP 65000 Biopsy Vials 10ml


 Advantages of the KaryoPrep Method:

  • Cost-Effective Materials: The most economical method on the market.
  • Cell Autonomy Maintained: Cells retain their integrity and functionality.
  • Fast and Customizable: A quick method that is fully customizable at the protocol stages.
  • Single Solution Usage: Only the Karyo-Prep Sample/solution for fixation 10ml vial is required.
  • Long Reagent Shelf Life: Reagents have a long shelf life of 5 years from the production date.
  • No Need for Additional Automated Equipment: Vortex and centrifuge can be used without the need for further automated equipment.

The method is successfully used in cytology clinics and covers a wide range of sample types:

  • Cervical
  • Ascitic
  • Pleural
  • Urine
  • Breast
  • For molecular processing

Manual Liquid Phase Protocol for Non-Bloody Samples:

  1. Vortex the Karyo-Prep Sample for 20 seconds.
  2. Transfer the contents of the Karyo-Prep Sample (2ml of the homogenized solution) into a conical urine tube.
  3. Centrifuge the conical urine tube at 800G for 10 minutes.
  4. Discard the supernatant.
  5. Collect the pellet with a Pasteur pipette.
  6. Prepare a slide by depositing the pellet onto two glass slides (deposit the sample on one slide, apply the second slide inverted on top, remove it to spread the cytological material into a monolayer on both slides).
  7. Spray with Fixative from a distance to avoid displacing the pellet from the slide due to the spray mist.
  8. Air-dry the slide for 10-15 minutes or use a hairdryer.
  9. Immerse the slide in a coplin jar with 95% histanol for 20 minutes.
  10. Perform Pap staining according to the step protocol.
  11. Cover the slide with a coverslip.
  12. Examine under a microscope at 10x, 40x.

For Bloody Samples:

Follow the above protocol after first using 2ml of Red Blood Lysis Reagent in the Karyo-Prep Sample/solution for fixation 10ml with the sample.

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