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Brand: | TAUMED |
Carboxytherapy is a medical treatment consisting in the administration of gas [CO2] subcutaneously or intradermally, for therapeutic purposes, through micro-localized injections by means of thin needles 30G, commonly used in mesotherapy.
Carboxytherapy has ancient origins, already in 1932 in France Royat was used percutaneously for patients with arteriopathy and angiopathy, with waters rich in carbon dioxide. Several scientific studies have shown that the carboxytherapy improves skin elasticity, reactivates the micro-local circulation, stimulates collagen fibers, and breaks the membrane of the adipocites, causing a lipolytic and lipoclasic effect, without damaging the connective tissue, blood vessels and the surrounding neural structures.
Carbon dioxide is naturally produced by our body, so it is not toxic, even in high doses, and it is disposed at the physiological level. After a single treatment normally the gas is absorbed in 5/10 minutes. Therefore, we speak of a safe procedure that only presents minor side effects (crackling sensation in subcutaneous areas and small chance of bruising).
Action mechanisms
Vasodilation: the first direct mechanical effect resulting from the injection of carbon dioxide is a powerful vasodilation, also an increased perfusion of the treated areas is present along with arteriolar sphygmicity. Even the partial pressure of O₂ in the tissues is noticeably increased after the subcutaneous administration of CO₂.
Bohr effect: it regards the hemoglobin tendency to reduce its affinity for oxygen when the concentration of CO₂ in the blood increases. This causes the hemoglobin to release more oxygen in the surface tissue and muscle. The administration of CO₂ in the tissues promotes hydration with the formation of erythrocytes of carbonic acid H₂CO₃, which dissociates into H + ion and bicarbonate HCO₃.
Stimulation of collagen synthesis: a study carried out in Brazil in 2008 showed a reorganization of the collagen fibers in response to intradermal injections of CO₂. It is as if it were sent a message of damage to the dermis that triggered a natural process of reparation. The CO₂ improves this process firstly through greater revascularization, and then, by releasing more oxygen in the treated area, improves the phase of “the repair mechanism".
Neo-angiogenesis: by microangiological evaluation - through videocapillaroscopy with optical probe – it was possible to assess the actual creation of new capillaries. In 1930 the first experiments that demonstrated the powerful vasodilation were performed on frog’s leg.
Receptor activation and lipolysis: the CO₂ activates, as a secondary effect, lipolysis and the lipoclasis of the adipocite’s membrane (Bohr effect increase and activation of lipolysis receptors). This effect is related to the hyper distention of the esteroceptors subcutaneous, i.e .the corpuscles of Pacini and Golgi. Their activation would lead to the release of algogenic substances such as bradykinin, histamine, serotonin and catecholamines.
Application fields
Finally a truly portable device.
The ergonomically designed shell and the light weight make it a portable, convenient, shock resistant and easily transportable. The gas is heated by the device to make the treatment as comfortable as possible to the patient. The high-sensitive touch-screen of the user interface is easy and intuitive and it has preset programs and protocols already installed. The therapeutic flow is adjustable from 0 to 150 cc per minute, allowing you to get the biggest lift off of the tissues.
Made in Italy and imported exclusively for the Greek Market by Anastasios Digas LP
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