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Transpore adhesive tape 1.25cm x 9.2m 1527-0

Transpore adhesive tape 1.25cm x 9.2m 1527-0

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MOD: 02217-00
In Stock
  • Price: 0.60€
  • 0.53€ + TAX 13%
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≥24 Items: 0.58€ (0.51€ + TAX 13%) -3%
≥240 Items: 0.55€ (0.49€ + TAX 13%) -8%
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Bundle Discount
MOD: 02218-00
In Stock
0.89€ + TAX 13%
Bundle Discount
MOD: 02223-00
In Stock
2.04€ + TAX 13%

Transpore adhesive tape 1.25cm x 9.2m 1527-0

Anchoring bulky dressings

Securing IV tubing

Fixation of Foley catheters

Fixation of naso-gastric tubes

Securing oxygen tubing

Successful Application & Removal

Apply tape evenly to clean, dry surface

Position and press down from centre outwards

Maximise adhesion by firmly rubbing or pressing tape backing

Never apply tape under tension. This may induce blistering or skin tearing

Loosen tape ends

Remove tape in direction of hair growth. Keep tape close to skin surface and slowly pull tape back

Support skin throughout removal

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