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Developed for bio-medical laboratories, for universities and training courses:
Axio Lab.5 is unmatched when it comes to performance and optics.
Highly ergonomic,easy to operate and brilliant image quality for versatile medical applications.
Particularly in laboratory use, reliable microscopic images are crucial. With Axio Lab.5 you are guaranteed to work with a microscope that combines maximum performance and cost-effectiveness. The special plus for long-term microscope users: TUV-approved ergonomics.
Axio Lab. 5 has been designed for daily laboratory applications. All applications in brightfi eld, darkfi eld, phase contrast or fl uorescence can be performed readily - with the full range of ZEISS IC2S objectives.
Axio Lab.A1
Ergonomic. Easy-to-Use. Durable.
High reliability for continuous microscopy work.
Key benefi ts at a glance
• TUV-approved ergonomic confi guration for maximized comfort and a stress-free working position
• Special features for laboratory use, such as convenient position of all main operating elements and
the use of soft-touch materials
• Excellent optical quality for reliable results
• Long term durability through the use of high quality materials
• Numerous tubes, including multi-observation and accessories for a wide range of applications
• Transmitted light illumination alternatively HAL 35 W, LED daylight or LED warmlight
2 TUV*-approved ergonomics: The ergo-version of Axio Lab.5 .
Comfortable and convenient: Working with supported arm and all main elements within reach of one hand. Everything at hand: Tool bar on the back of the scope. The First Laboratory Microscope -
With Approved Ergonomics
A number of attractive details are designed to guarantee the ergonomic and reliable handling
of Axio Lab. A1.
TUV-approved ergonomics. Axio Lab.A1 places strong emphasis on ergonomic features, because continuous microscope use is often associated with discomfort, partic ularly in the neck.
With Axio Lab.A1 users are able to examine slides with a favorable viewing position, keeping the neck and shoulder muscles relaxed. The height of the microscope is continuously adjustable by 50mm. In addition the tube can be swiveled from 8°-33° continuously.
IC²S optics, the Infi nity colour-corrected system, is available only from Carl Zeiss. The system guarantees brilliant, colour-corrected and high-contrast results, meeting all the demands placed on image quality.Guaranteed durability. The more a microscope is used, the more worthwhile it is to invest in quality. Axio Lab.A1 guarantees long lasting value and a long operating life.
The new multi-discussion system from Carl Zeiss is also compatible for Axio Lab.A1. It is possible to achieve identical image orientations for all co-observers. All co-observers see the same image as the main observer. And a luminous pointer facilitates the identifi cation of specimen details for
discussion. Skin-friendly materials enhance comfort. Many parts of the stand are coated with soft-touch material:
These materials offer superior properties in comparison to metal surfaces: less cold and higher friction.
Modular illumination. Convenient and easy-to-change bulbs. The use of the novel warmlight LED in particular offers the advantages of a long lifetime, energy saving and halogen-like colour impressions in stained slides. Integrated tool storage and cable rest in the stand back fl ap. Tools, e. g. for centring of phase rings are always at hand and cannot get lost. In addition, the tilted fl ap can be used as cable rest.
* TUV Rheinland is a world-renowned independent organization which certifi es product safety and ergonomy.
3 Hematology: Plasmodium malariae, daisy-head stage in brightfi eld. Specimen: Andrea Michelsen,
Ortenau Klinikum Lahr-Ettenheim, Germany.
Hematology: Blood smear in darkfi eld. Gout inspection: Uric acid crystals under polarization contrast.
Explore the Possibilities - Axio Lab.A1 Wide Range of Applications With the help of Axio Lab. A1 diverse diagnostic applications can be carried out easily and effi ciently. Axio Lab.A1 is designed for many uses. Microbiology, cytology, hematology and pathology labs as well as those in school and colleges will benefi t particularly. Fluorescence microscopy in the lab Axio Lab.A1 ensures easy-to-use LED-fl uorescence with 2 LED positions and the well known standard push-andclick- modules from Carl Zeiss.
In comparison to standard HBO illumination the LED fl uorescence is much safer, more energy effi cient, quicker and easier to use. Additional advantages: No warm-up and cool-down times
and no need to change or adjust lamps. The fl uorescent marker FITC is primarily used for tigenantibody
reactions in the fi eld of immunology. FITC binds to the antibody molecules and emits an intense green fl uorescence upon excitation with the 470 nm LED. Brightfi eld and darkfi eld microscopy In the fi eld of hematology, the usual diagnostic approach to blood disorders is blood counting and blood fi lm examination. During blood fi lm examination in brightfi eld microscopy, the individual types of white blood cells are counted. Axio Lab.A1 makes this task easier, because the main operating elements of the microscope, such as the stage drive, fi ne focus drive and light intensity are all reach of one hand. This frees up the other hand.
Darkfi eld blood analysis is very useful for the early detection of serious health conditions, because fi ne and unstained structures can often not be seen in front of a bright background. This situation changes if the structures are illuminated from the side and viewed in front of the darkest possible background. The structures then really seem to light up. Darkfi eld is a useful detection method for minute details, not easily detectable brightfi eld. It is produced by indirect sample illumination resulting in bright structures on a dark image background. Main fi elds of applications are hematology and dermatology.
Axio Lab.A1 presents a fi ve position Abbe turret condenser with darkfi eld and Phase contrast 1,2,3.
Polarization contrast is used to detect birefringent structures, such as crystals or fi bres. In medical microscopy it helps to detect gout or asbestos.
Mouse kidney after staining with FITC. Information subject to change. Printed on environmentally friendly paper bleached without chlorine. 60-2-0060/e - printed 04.10
All optics in Axio Lab. A1 are anti-fungus treated
• Norms and standards met: CE, CSA(UL), IvD, DIN EN 61010-1 (IEC 61010-1), ISO 9001, ISO 13485
• Available optional accessories: mechanical stages with drives right or left or right in fi xed position (ergodrive), several types of specimen holders, several condensers, several binocular tubes, phototubes and ergotubes with different adjustment possibilities in respect to height and tilt, multi-observation equipement, several interference and neutral density fi lters, several illumination
bulbs as HAL or LED, several polarizer and analyzer moduls, several refl ector modules, several FL-LED modules, several camera adapters, several microscope cameras and AxioVison microscope software.
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